Thursday, December 18, 2014

Fictional Love Story | Love Quote

"I can only show what I feel. But I can never change anything. I can never make you do anything.
I may express my emotions through silence or through words. But at the end of the day, it would not matter coz to you I am a book. A fictional character that lives in a world that you only visit when you decide to. And I can only be with you when you let me.

Can I come up to you and hold your hand when I want to? No. Can I touch your hair and smell your skin when I feel like doing so? No.

I don't even have the luxury of looking in your eyes in comfortable silence.
I don't have any power over you, even on small things a physical person takes for granted. For I am fictional. A character you built in your mind. In a book that you only open when you're in the mood. A story to visit.

A diversion from your reality."

-Rheigne Bennet

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Sweet Surrender | Love Quote

 "I told myself I'd never fall in love the way I did before. I was fairly certain it would hold. But then life gave me you.

    So there I was last night, holding you in my arms as you sleep. I couldn't bear to wake you up, for every breath you take makes me want to own you forever.

    And it occurred to me:

    This person committed a love robbery that swept me off my feet. And I don't even want to do anything but give up...

    in sweet surrender."

-Shine Bennet

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Heartbreak Comes From People You Deeply Care About... Then Betrays You

 Heartbreak. Not just a word applicable for lovers, but generally for people who cares for another, regardless of the relationship.

Sometimes, hurtful words are not from the lies said behind my back.

Sometimes, these are also the things that are true, but are dearly private I only shared to people I deeply trust and have confidence in, then I'd find out that it was spoken carelessly to others like it was a topic totally unimportant and just something to freely criticize.

Yes, some of what people talk about behind me are true. Yes, some of them are not right. Yes, I am mostly a person who have done a great deal of sin.

I don't deny that. But the fact that these mistakes are freely spoken behind me by people I greatly care about... whom I trusted to somehow fight for me and not establish an image of me like I'm made up of all those mistakes, people whom I thought would somehow highlight the good side of me instead of concentrating on my faults especially in front of others...

Honestly, it hurts.

I have learned not to get too affected by what other people say about me.
But having to learn it came from people I care deeply?...

Well, it hasn't crossed my mind to learn not to care of what they say because it never occurred to me that someday, they will be the ones to actually break my heart.