Thursday, December 18, 2014

Fictional Love Story | Love Quote

"I can only show what I feel. But I can never change anything. I can never make you do anything.
I may express my emotions through silence or through words. But at the end of the day, it would not matter coz to you I am a book. A fictional character that lives in a world that you only visit when you decide to. And I can only be with you when you let me.

Can I come up to you and hold your hand when I want to? No. Can I touch your hair and smell your skin when I feel like doing so? No.

I don't even have the luxury of looking in your eyes in comfortable silence.
I don't have any power over you, even on small things a physical person takes for granted. For I am fictional. A character you built in your mind. In a book that you only open when you're in the mood. A story to visit.

A diversion from your reality."

-Rheigne Bennet

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Sweet Surrender | Love Quote

 "I told myself I'd never fall in love the way I did before. I was fairly certain it would hold. But then life gave me you.

    So there I was last night, holding you in my arms as you sleep. I couldn't bear to wake you up, for every breath you take makes me want to own you forever.

    And it occurred to me:

    This person committed a love robbery that swept me off my feet. And I don't even want to do anything but give up...

    in sweet surrender."

-Shine Bennet